How to test your biological clock? Check it every 5 years from age of 25 - 30. 2

How to test your biological clock? Check it every 5 years from age of 25 - 30. 2

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Are there particular tests that are available in laboratory practice around the world? Is it something for somebody who might be interested to find out what the age of that person is? Are there any markers that they can easily or relatively easily obtain in the laboratory? Absolutely. We already have different clocks. Clocks were developed out of big data sets of individuals in studies. So we have clinical clocks, where we can measure the function of the heart, of the muscle, of the bones, of the brain, so that clinical clocks are already available. We would draw blood, for example. Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. They are already companies available that make you utilize these tests and then give you back as a product, your biological age. So it's very easy to find them on the web. And I do not want to draw your attention to a particular one because it's an evolving field. Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. But it brings to the table that there's a huge market already, because individuals would like to know their biological age compared to their chronological age. After all, this is very important. Before starting an intervention, you would like to know your biological age and see if your biological age is lower than your chronological age after the intervention. So we already can utilize these aging tests from the private companies. And everybody who wants to pay for it can already apply them at the moment. There are lots of aging markers out there and aging clocks. But also, if you're at the GP or you see the specialist, just ask them if they already apply markers of aging. Some physicians already integrate markers of aging in clinical care. Biological age test should be done once? And then maybe in several years? Or does it make sense to do biological aging tests on a regular basis? And if so, how often would one measure the markers of aging? Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. That's a very good question. And I think if you ask ten different longevity medicine physicians, who are experts in the longevity field, you will have ten different answers. 

My personal opinion is that from the age of 25 to 30, the function of the organ system is deteriorating. We should track our function of the body.There are ways how we should measure the biological age. And I don't say that we have to do it annually. 

Because if it's going well, and you do not deteriorate in your function, in your cardiovascular systems, you might be on track. Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. But I think certain amounts of aging rate checkups every five years, from a public health perspective, would be the thing we should introduce in clinical care. 

But how often? I think we have to show because medicine needs to be affordable, of course for society. We don't want to introduce tests which might not be necessary on a public health level. That doesn't mean that individuals who are interested in their biological age, cannot do it more frequently. I have. But we already have so many aging rate parameters that can be easily tracked, for example, measuring your weight, height, and doing that at least every three months. 

And just note that down on a page and see what your trajectory is. That's already very important because weight gain is associated with higher biological age. After all, it's associated with lifestyle changes. So already there are simple things we could do to track the biological age without taking blood samples every three months. Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. 

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