Leber, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Speiseröhre, Gallenblase

66 Produkte

    66 Produkte
    Future of liver disease treatment. Xenotransplantation of liver. 14
    How to improve health of your liver? Difficulty to keep low weight. 16
    Does GERD anti-reflux surgery reduce esophageal cancer risks? The risk does not go down to zero. 2
    Future in esophageal cancer treatment. Precision medicine. Tumor genome sequencing. 10
    Esophageal carcinoma risks and symptoms. ‘East’ vs. ‘West’ differences in esophageal cancer. 4
    Esophageal cancer treatment FAQ. Prognosis. When surgery is not beneficial? 11
    Esophageal carcinoma radiotherapy. ‘East’ vs. ‘West’ differences in radiotherapy use. 7
    Liver cancer risk and fatty liver disease. Cancer screening in NASH, NAFLD. 10
    GERD anti-reflux surgery often fails after 10 years. PPI medications and esophageal cancer risk. 3
    Dr. Jari Rasanen. Esophageal cancer and Lung cancer expert. Biography. 0
    Food supplements and generic drugs for NASH and NAFLD. 8
    How NASH differs from NAFLD. What drives progression to NASH? 5
    Diagnostic tests for fatty liver disease, NAFLD. FibroScan and MR Elastography. 3
    Esophageal carcinoma. Minimally invasive surgery vs. classic surgery. Surgeon’s skill is paramount. 8
    Most patients with fatty liver disease & NASH do not have symptoms. Alcohol is often not to blame. 17
    FAQ from patients with fatty liver disease. Life quality, prognosis, alcohol use. 15
    Leading drug candidates for NASH therapy. NAFLD, fatty liver disease treatment. 12
    Can fatty liver disease be reversed? NAFLD and NASH treatment. 4
    Dr. Scott L Friedman. Liver disease, NAFLD, NASH Expert. Biography. 0
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophageal cancer. 1
    Patient’s story. Metastatic esophageal cancer. Success of double neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 12
    Esophageal carcinoma. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs. upfront surgery. 6
    Esophageal carcinoma diagnosis. PET CT. Endoscopic ultrasound. Cure at early stage is possible. 5
    Coffee reduces risks of liver disease. Coffee and NAFLD prevention. 13
    When new drugs will be approved for fatty liver disease? 11
    Hepatic Stellate Cells cause fatty liver disease. NAFLD and NASH causes. 9
    Gut microbiome and fatty liver disease. NAFLD, NASH, and Fecal transplantation. 7
    Genetic tests to find risks for liver disease [NAFLD and NASH]. 6
    Non-obese patients with NAFLD [fatty liver disease]. ‘Lean NASH’. 2
    What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? NAFLD Diagnostic Criteria. 1
    Cancer surgery failures and challenges. Ovarian cancer. Eminent cancer surgeon.
    Bluthochdruck bei Diabetes und beim metabolischen Syndrom. Beste Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. 2
    Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebsvorsorge. Leberkrebsvorsorge. 10
    MRT der Leber. MRCP der Bauchspeicheldrüse. MRCP oder ERCP? 9
    Auswahl der Chemotherapie bei metastasiertem Peritonealkarzinom. Auswahl der Präzisionsmedizin. 14
    Wie kann man Skeptiker in der Arbeit und im Leben überwinden? Führender Krebschirurg erklärt. 9
    Dickdarmkrebs Stadium 4. Leber- oder Lungenmetastasen. Lokoregionale Behandlung. DEBIRI TACE, IRE, SIRT. 7
    Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Gallenblasenkrebs. 7
    Beste chirurgische Behandlung von Leberkrebs. Operationstechnik aus Japan. 5
    Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs. Die Lebensqualität hängt von der lokalen Kontrolle des Tumors ab. 4
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