Professor Curigliano, is there any question I should have asked but didn't ask? Is there anything you'd like to share with our viewers on your philosophy of patient care with your scientific mind?
You know, beyond the science, beyond genomics, beyond the microbiomics, or any type of -omics, you have a patient in front of you. And so what you need to do also is to give the patient a human touch. Because no treatment will be more effective beyond the nice word, a kind word, and the human attention to the patient you have in front of you, that, first of all, is a human.
That is a very important point, you know, the human side of medicine. That it is humans who try and succeed in curing humans. It's not just blinking lights or technology, Professor Curigliano, thank you very much. We hope to revert to you in the future. Thank you. Thank you!