That’s great. And let’s start with this. You specialize in minimally invasive knee joint, meniscus, and knee ligament injury treatment. What are common knee ligament injuries? Let’s imagine a patient with a knee ligament or meniscus injury. He is choosing among several treatment options. What factors should this patient consider before selecting a treatment? Well, it’s a huge universe of different approaches and treatments for each specific patient. We believe the most important thing is to tailor each treatment for each patient. So I cannot say specifically, which is the best treatment for knee ligament and the best treatment for meniscus injury. Ligament injuries of the knee and meniscus injuries are two of the most common injuries and diseases in sport. Sports injury is becoming more common. Also, not only sport-related injury but also knee injury in people happens because of the aging and more active way of living. Let me give a background to knee injury treatment. The knees have four major ligaments: the lateral, the medial, and two cruciate ligaments, which are crossing inside the knee right here. And most knee ligaments, when they are torn, need to be surgically treated. In those cases, we again have to specifically understand which ligament is torn or injured, but we also must understand the needs of the patients. How much function does a person require from their knees? What is the age of the patient? Are they involved in playing a sport? Or do they just do running? Do they also have concomitant injuries? This is very important! Concomitant issues that they have are important. Because when you injure your knee, it’s not just about one ligament. It is not like someone with a knife cut a ligament, and everything else is perfect. No, in most of the cases, in a majority of the cases, there are also concomitant injuries. And that’s why we believe that we had to approach the knee, as you commented on before, in a holistic way. We have not only to think about one ligament or meniscus injury. Because it is not only the meniscus, or the menisci, but also the cartridge, the knee joint alignment. We have to consider the whole patient situation. You have to see the forest behind the trees. This is something that I sometimes see in the work of our surgical colleagues. They just focus on the specific knee injury. They don’t consider so many other factors that are unique to each patient. The same knee injury in ten different people may lead to a choice of ten different treatments. From our point of view, that is the key to a good outcome for each patient. We, of course, try to perform the least aggressive incisions and as a minimally invasive surgical approach to knee joint injury treatment as possible. Of course, always the surgeon’s goal is to be confident and to feel that you can provide the best treatment possible. But of course, after long many years of experience, we are trying to do knee trauma treatment in a minimally invasive approach. So the patient with knee ligament injury recovers faster. Also, the knee suffers less injury because you have an injury because of the trauma itself. Also, there is an injury to the knee because of the surgery. So if we decrease and minimize the aggression of the surgery, we are minimizing the risk of injury inside the knee. We minimize the injury to the cartilage during the surgery and preserve other elements of the knee joint.
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