Capecitabine (Xeloda) therapy efficacy prediction. DPD enzyme gene expression in colon cancer. 5-2

Capecitabine (Xeloda) therapy efficacy prediction. DPD enzyme gene expression in colon cancer. 5-2

Capecitabine (Xeloda) therapy efficacy prediction. DPD enzyme gene expression in colon cancer. 5-2

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DPD is enzyme in colorectal cancer tumor predicts response to Xeloda treatment. How to use precision medicine in colorectal cancer treatment selection? Patients with recurrent colon cancer had the same chance to respond to oxaliplatin and 5-Fluorouracil chemotherapy. Efficacy of capecitabine (Xeloda) in stage 3 colon cancer patients depends on DPD enzyme activity in colorectal cancer tumor. Therefore, DPD enzyme is a biomarker for selection of patients for whom Xeloda + oxaliplatin chemotherapy will work.

DPD enzyme predicts capecitabine colon cancer treatment efficacy. 5-2. We showed important results this were published in a scientific article. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, MD. We investigated patients with stage 3 colon cancer who had relapse of cancer. We showed that patients with recurrent colon cancer had the same chance to respond to oxaliplatin and 5-Fluorouracil chemotherapy as before the tumor relapse. We also published that molecular makeup of colon cancer tumor in patients who relapsed after treatment had a specific characteristic. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. The expression of particular enzyme inside cancer cells altered metabolism of 5-fluorouracil. Chemotherapy in such patients was metabolized and destryed faster in tumors of patients with mutation. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, MD. We showed that efficacy of colon cancer treatment with capecitabine depended on expression of this enzyme. We still do not clearly know how the gene for this enzyme works in colon cancer tumors. We have to do more clinical trials in colon cancer patients to investigate this important enzyme. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, MD. The gene for this enzyme seems to be a strongly predictive biomarker for efficacy of capecitabine in stage 3 colon cancer patients. We now may have a good tumor biomarker. We can predict efficacy of chemotherapy with capecitabine and oxaliplatin in stage 3 colon cancer patients. This biomarker can allow selection of patients for whom Xeloda + oxaliplatin chemotherapy will work. For stage 3 colon cancer patient who will not benefit, we can choose another chemotherapy regimen. For example, FOLFOX. There are clinical trials in Europe. There are also clinical trials in the United States. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, MD. They compare duration of 3 months and 6 months of chemotherapy in stage 3 colon cancer. There are results available from these clinical trials. There are 12,000 patients in these clinical trials. Many of such clinical trials for colon cancer patients collect tumor sample tissue. It can be analyzed. we should be able to test activity of this enzyme that predicts capecitabine efficacy. It is called "DPD" we can test if DPD enzyme gene expression can predict efficacy of capecitabine in colon cancer patients. you can go to the tumor samples that are collected from for many patients. you can actually take a look at the enzyme. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, MD. Then you can compare expression of DPD enzyme with efficacy of capecitabine therapy. Correct. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Thank you. DPD is strongly predictive biomarker for efficacy of capecitabine (Xeloda) in stage 3 colon cancer patients. Leading colorectal cancer expert discusses selection of patients for capecitabine (Xeloda) combination therapy with oxaliplatin.

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